Is it possible that long-term exposure to electromagnetic fields could eventually change your brain waves, therefore changing the way you think, how you process information, and what sort of chemical splashes your brain delivers based on your observations, studies, reflections, and memory retrieval. Now then, and you must realize this is purely speculation, and my comments come from observations of many individuals over several decades now, so, I have this little personal theory I'd like to share with you along these lines.
You see, I've met many individuals who have worked in places under a constant electromagnetic energy field. Perhaps they worked in a hydroelectric plant, a telephone switching station, in an air traffic control facility, or they work in the communication facilities at a military installation. Now then, before you chock off this theory of mine and throw it into the category of; conspiratorial theories, I'd like to remind you that the brain is actually an electromagnetic organic device.
You see, I've met many individuals who have worked in places under a constant electromagnetic energy field. Perhaps they worked in a hydroelectric plant, a telephone switching station, in an air traffic control facility, or they work in the communication facilities at a military installation. Now then, before you chock off this theory of mine and throw it into the category of; conspiratorial theories, I'd like to remind you that the brain is actually an electromagnetic organic device.