
Bacteria, Shared Pairs, Quantum Theory, and the Future of Bio-Inspired Thought Swapping

There have been some noted experiments in Africa with tribes who went hunting, and the rest of the tribe was back at their encampment, and they knew just when to start the fire to get it good and hot, and prepared and ready to cook the meat which would be brought back from some 35 miles away by the hunters which were tracking the herd after several days. Now then how did they know when to start the fire? Apparently the researchers who were observing this, noted that the tribe; just knew. Okay so, let's talk about this for second shall we.

Is it possible that since they ate the same food, and had the same bacteria in their bio-systems, and they also slept together very closely, that they were all on the same wavelength, and using the same brainwaves. Now then, since the human brain is an electromagnetic device, albeit an organic one, is it possible that they were using some kind of thought swapping communication? 

Different Kinds of Chromatography

Chromatography is a technique used to isolate the various components of a mixture and this makes its application in analysis of biomolecules very important. It is used to separate and analyse the complex DNA sequences and other compounds, and also the concentration of the samples. There are many types of chromatography used in the study of biomolecules which range from DNA/RNA to recombinant proteins and antibodies. Here are some types of chromatography that you should know about.

High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Small particles and High pressure is required to carry out this type of liquid chromatography. HPLC has many forms and its application revolves around drug analysis and other forensic applications. There are forms of HPLC which specifically deal with enzymology and purification of other biomolecules.

Why Can't We Take Biology 101 to a Higher Level to Keep the Student's Interest?

Let me ask you something? Are we selling our kids short with the No Child Left behind Act? Shouldn't we be pushing our kids to think, reason, and adapt? Shouldn't they be using the information which we force into their heads through rote memorization in positive ways? There are many programs which NASA is doing in our local schools around the country. When it comes to such difficult subjects such as biology, I say we take it all to a higher level. How high you ask?

How about as high as we can get, how about space?

"Why Can't We Take Biology 101 to a Higher Level to Keep the Student's Interest?" How so you ask? Well, for instance why can't our high-schools talk about NASA's Astrobiological Research and ask the students the tough questions and have them do real inquiry and research, perhaps look stuff up in the latest scientific journals. Let me give you an example;

Biological Systems Predicting Earthquakes as Well as Technologically Advanced Sensors

The other day, I was talking to a fellow intellectual thinker on the topic of biology. Whereas they were busy in school studying from their textbook all the required reading, which is all well and good, I wanted to take it to a higher level. So, jokingly I stated; okay so, yes, let's pick another topic - "Biology for $1200 Bob" - and we will see why a human is still valuable next to "Watson" the IBM Jeopardy Super Computer!

Then I asked a question, one which probably doesn't have an answer, or it doesn't have an answer that we know of;

"Why are Elephants and other animals able to predict Earthquakes? Is this real, myth, and if so, how can we use this?"

A few years back, I sat in a lecture once where a gentleman had "running mice" which were bred for running after subsequent generations. 

Human Biology and Space Radiation Issues

Sometimes natural disasters remind us of just how fragile human beings really are, and then afterwards we realize how resilient humans can be, as we find inspiration to rebuild and not give up - it's just amazing to me really. Although they may not seem so at the time, natural disasters here on Earth are not the end of the world. If you have a few moments I would like to discuss this with you from a philosophical standpoint, and offer some guidance on what we can learn by studying and doing research on these things for the future.

You see, after the giant Japanese Earthquake, I'd written an interesting piece titled; "We should study the radiation effects of the Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami Fukishima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster and Apply What We Learn for Future Space Missions." Why you ask? Simple really, in space our astronauts and travelers will be subject to a massive amount of space radiation.

Trust Self and Let Your Brain Steer You Right!

A few months ago, someone told me that we knew less about the human brain than the dark side of the moon. In fact, he was quoting an intellectual psychologist of a past period. However true that was at the time that quote was produced - I don't think it is quite true today. Further, I would say that there's a lot more to know about the human brain, than the dark side of the moon. Okay so, let's talk about this for a moment shall we?

It seems that every single day I read something in the science news about new discoveries of the brain. We are unlocking all the secrets in rapid succession. Each incremental gain of knowledge in neuroscience is bringing us closer to the merging of computers and machines. There was an interesting article in Medical Express Online News which was titled; "Warning! Collision imminent! The brain's quick interceptions help you navigate the world," posted on February 7, 2012, which stated;

What Will They Hack Next - Your Thoughts First, Then Your Mind, and Then Your DNA, Bet Me

If I were to say to you that one day the hackers will hack your mind, you would probably think I was crazy, or some sort of a science fiction nut. Well, I do write a little bit of science fiction, but I assure you I'm not crazy. In fact, I've been tracking all the new neuroscience technologies and it appears that they are getting very close to being able to map an individual human brain. Once they can do this, and once they understand it more, they will be able to create human brain computer interfaces. Okay so, let's talk about this for a moment shall we?

There was an interesting new research report that was discussed at Scripps Research Institute in a press release titled; "Scripps Research and Technion Scientists Develop Biological Computer to Encrypt and Decipher Images," on February 7, 2012, which stated;

Does Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields Modify Brain Waves Permanently?

Is it possible that long-term exposure to electromagnetic fields could eventually change your brain waves, therefore changing the way you think, how you process information, and what sort of chemical splashes your brain delivers based on your observations, studies, reflections, and memory retrieval. Now then, and you must realize this is purely speculation, and my comments come from observations of many individuals over several decades now, so, I have this little personal theory I'd like to share with you along these lines.

You see, I've met many individuals who have worked in places under a constant electromagnetic energy field. Perhaps they worked in a hydroelectric plant, a telephone switching station, in an air traffic control facility, or they work in the communication facilities at a military installation. Now then, before you chock off this theory of mine and throw it into the category of; conspiratorial theories, I'd like to remind you that the brain is actually an electromagnetic organic device.

The Basic Mechanics of Bumblebee Flight

It was once postulated that a bee is an absurdity; mathematically it can't produce the lift necessary to fly. However, this statement in itself was nonsensical to the obvious proof that bees do fly, because they can and therefore there must be something wrong with the math, not the insect. This simple understanding of flight was derived from what was known about aerodynamics, but applying the mathematics of flight of an aeroplane to that in an insect is very much a question of scale, as well as evolutionary ingenuity.

If one applies the mathematics of a rotating disk (such as in a helicopter) to that of an insect, it becomes apparent that the wing size of an insect (such as a bumblebee) is not large enough to generate the downward thrust of air, despite their incredible speeds.

How Do Plants Control the Shoot:Root Ratio

Both Carbon and Nitrogen are essential in plant development. The carbon is the fuel for cell division, growth and a respiratory substance and the Nitrogen enables amino acid production and DNA synthesis. In turn this growth causes the shoots and roots to extend and consequently there is normally a fixed ratio between how the plants allocate these resources.

The intimate association between these to essential compounds is effected by the way the plant acquires them. The Nitrogen enters the plant through the root in the form of Nitrates and the Carbon enters in the form of CO2 and is converted to sucrose: the photoassimilate. The Nitrates move up through the xylem from the, carried by the capillary action of the water. The sucrose, produced by photosynthesis, is exported into the phloem and is then transported down to the roots to enable sufficient metabolism in the light deprived areas of the plant. In general, the source for the Carbon is the sink for the Nitrogen and visa versa.